Saturday, April 2, 2016


Red as blood,
a tiny thing pushes up,
through wintered earth,

seeking light, and warmth,
to turn green, a glory.
I kneel,
as if in prayer,
to marvel at this gift.
This moment is what I have,
and praise, praise
that love has made this one
amazing day,
this wondrous thing,
this life, rising
in all the immensity
of a billion, billion stars
which should sigh for sheerest joy
that this bit of green,
this living thing,
should even be.
And it will die someday,
and I and you,
and all who read these words,
and every bit of this sweet, good earth.
But something in us
will sing forever
of the life, this life,
we knew
one day in Spring.

--Timothy Haut, March 27, 2016

Wait. Wait. Wait.
Wait for Christmas or your birthday.
Wait for Spring to come.

Wait until you get out of school.
Wait for a better job.
Wait for the kids to grow up.
Wait until you feel better, or retire,
Wait until you win the lottery.
Wait for the sorrow

or the pain to go away.
Then one day you realize
that life has happened while you wait.
And sometimes, when you least expect it,
there comes a surprise.
Wait for it!

--Timothy Haut, March 26, 2016