Wednesday, August 21, 2013


  (Jeremiah 23:23-24)

Am I a God nearby,
And not far off?
Why do you hide,
Remove yourself from me,
Run like a child
Into the forest
To keep from being found?
And if  I should confront you
Face to face,
Or if I catch you
In your tears or shame,
What then
Makes you turn away from me,
Cover your heart
As if I could not see it—
I , who made your heart,
I, who hear its dreams,
And I, who plant all love within it?
I am the One
Who, seeking, will always find you,
Who, absent, is always with you,
Who, silent, is always calling you,
Who, greater than the starlit universe,
Bends to offer you life.
Come to me.

--Timothy Haut, August, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer Afternoon
Summer afternoon,
And then the ruffle of leaves,
A stirring in the grass,
Soft as breath.
Who comes here
On warm wings
To waken me?
So this, too, is holy:
The leaning sunflower
Breaking into bloom,
The tomato wanting to be red,
The sweet, wet earth
Seeded with life,
The bright-winged butterfly,
A fish rising to
The rippled rim of water,
The sigh of cicadas
Passing through this fleeting
Moment of time,
My heart half asleep
And dreaming
That in this troubled, tender world
All creation waits, longs
For me to see the goodness
In this one, precious
Summer afternoon.
--August 11, 2013